Press Release
DaChan Bay Hits One Million TEU Milestone for 2013
DaChan Bay Terminals today celebrated one million TEUs of annual throughput in 2013 topping off a remarkable year of growth and operational milestones.
Earlier this year DaChan Bay Terminals received the highest ranking among Shenzhen terminals in the Comprehensive Customer Satisfaction Survey of Shenzhen Port.
In November DaChan Bay Terminals successfully launched the Navis N4 Terminal Operating System together with its process re-engineering initiative called New Horizon.
"This has been a pivotal year for DaChan Bay Terminals”, said Chief Executive Officer Mr. Ben Lai, “Hitting this million TEU milestone for 2013 and successfully implementing Navis N4 means we're well positioned to capture future growth in the Pearl River Delta."
A reception was held to celebrate DaChan Bay Terminals' handling of the one millionth TEU.
From left to right:
Mr. Peter Levesque, Chief Commercial Officer of Modern Terminals Limited
Mr. Zhou Peng, General Manager and Board Chairman of Shenzhen Dachanwan Port Investment & Development Co,.Ltd.
Mr. Horace Lo, Chief Development Officer and Director of Engineering, Modern Terminals Limited
Mr. Li Bing, Board Chairman of Yantian Port Group Co.,Ltd.
Mr. Sean Kelly, Chief Executive Officer of Modern Terminals Limited, Board Chairman of DaChan Bay Terminals
Mr. Ye Zhongxiao, Vice President of Yantian Port Group Co.,Ltd. and Vice Board Chairman of DaChan Bay Terminals
Mr. Li Qun, Vice Commander of Yantian Port Development Headquarter
Mr. Benjamin Lai, Chief Executive Officer of DaChan Bay Terminals
Mr. Qi Bin, Deputy Executive Officer of DaChan Bay Terminals