Press Release

Groundbreaking Ceremony Marks Start of Construction Work on World-class New Container Terminal at DaChan Bay, Shenzhen

13 September 2005

A Groundbreaking Ceremony today (13th September) marked the start of construction work on the land facilities of the world-class DaChan Bay Terminal One - Phase I of DaChan Bay Container Terminals in Bao An District, Western Shenzhen. The Terminal is scheduled to commence operations at the end of 2007.

With a strategic location that encompasses convenient land and waterway access to both the eastern and western sides of the Pearl River Delta (PRD), the terminal will be ideal for handling containers passing between all parts of the vast Pan-PRD cargo catchment area and the rest of the world.

DaChan Bay Terminal One, which involves an investment of approximately HKD 7.1 billion, will have a designed capacity of 2.5 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) a year. Covering a total area of 112 hectares, its five berths will have a combined quay length of 1,830 metres. The initial depth alongside of -15.5 metres can later be deepened to -18 metres, enabling it to handle the largest existing and planned container vessels.

Modern Terminals - Hong Kong's longest established container terminal operator and the new facility's majority shareholder - will be responsible for DaChan Bay Terminal One's management. The company has pledged to deliver unsurpassed standards of customer service and productivity there.


Picture at the Groundbreaking Ceremony at DaChan Bay Terminals on 13 September 2005 are (from left) Mr. Zhang Siping, Vice Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal Government; Mr. Gonzaga Li, Chairman of Wharf China Limited and Mr. Sean Kelly, Managing Director of Modern Terminals Limited.